Friday, May 28, 2021

Lafit 暴力鞋墊(世界专利)。 Lafit Power Insoles(world patent)

Lafit 暴力鞋墊 (世界专利)
Lafit Power Insoles (World Patent)

Children's Testimony

拇长屈肌 (FHL) 是腿部后隔室的三个深部肌

The flexor hallucis longus muscle (FHL) 
is one of the three deep muscles of the posterior compartment of the leg that 
attaches to the plantar surface of the 
distal phalanx of the great toe.

Otot flexor hallucis longus (FHL) adalah salah satu daripada tiga otot yang mendalam dari bahagian posterior kaki yang melekat pada permukaan plantar phalanx distal jari kaki yang besar.



[Do you know how to wear your shoes affects for your body? ]

 Teacher Tom Liu tells you how to make your body Natural and Powerful!! 

Teacher Tom Liu, The founder of LaFit home fitness equipment, Wan Yigu-style mechanical therapy specializes in the field of natural pelvic therapy and human exercise and fitness in Japan. He develop and manufacture home fitness equipment that is most suitable types for Asian body.

DIY測試步行20秒。走路不平衡, 自我調整法!?

 Walk for 20 seconds for the DIY test. Unbalanced walking, self-adjustment method!?


问与答 (Q&A):

(Q) : 請問 Lafit暴力鞋墊是什麼原理?

(A) : Lafit暴力鞋墊的原理, 主要是引導使用者調整身體的重心, 讓您用對身體的力量, 正確地分散身體的重量 讓足部的壓力平衡, 

 使用時不要刻意踩在Lafit暴力鞋墊上, 而是要讓身體重心往前/內側移動, 這時骨盆會內收,帶動脊椎挺直, 讓體重的壓力會平均分散於足部, 減輕身體的負擔, 像馬 步一下讓下盤變穩,身體自然有力.

(Q): What is the principle of Lafit Power insoles?

 (A): The principle of Lafit Power insoles is mainly to guide the user to adjust the center of gravity of the body, allowing you to use the strength of the body to correctly disperse the weight of the body and balance the pressure on the feet.

  When using, do not deliberately step on the Lafit Power insole, but let the body's center of gravity move forward/inside. At this time, the pelvis will be retracted and the spine will be straightened, so that the weight pressure will be evenly distributed to the feet, reducing the burden on the body. Like a horse step, the bottom plate becomes stable, and the body is naturally strong.

問: 爆力鞋墊適用何種鞋子?

答: 除了小部份鞋底(與足底接觸面)凹凸不平整的怪怪鞋之外, 舉凡大部份的鞋子(室內拖, 涼鞋, 沙灘鞋, 運動鞋, 高跟鞋, 皮鞋等...)皆適用.  

(Q): What kind of shoes are suitable for Power insoles?

 (A): Except for a small part of the strange shoes with uneven soles (contact surface with the sole), most of the shoes (indoor slippers, sandals, beach shoes, sports shoes, high heels, leather shoes, etc...) All apply.

問: 爆力鞋墊適用何種年齡層?

答: 只要是小學生以上的人皆適用. 學齡前的幼童因為骨盆還在發育, 請避免!

(Q): What age group is suitable for Power insoles?

 (A): Applicable to anyone above elementary school age. For preschool children because the pelvis is still developing, please avoid!

問: 爆力鞋墊最適用何種人群?

答: 常需要走動(辛苦的勞動朋友們)或是站立(老師或櫃姊們), 雙腳常感覺無力(老人家們), 或是需要出力但却使不上力(喜歡運動的朋友), 還有成長中的孩子(同學們), 還有必需穿著高跟鞋的美女(模特兒們).....好像沒有不適用的人耶!

(Q): What kind of people is the most suitable for Power insoles?

 (A): People often need to walk around (work hard) or standing at long time (teachers or promoters), Elderly people often feet feel weak, or people who likes sports, growing children (classmates), beauties (models) and who must wear high seems that there is suitable for everbody!

(Q) :选择暴力鞋垫的7个理由?


产品质量? 产品售价? 产品安全吗? 产品卫生? 产品支持? 产品适合哪类用户? 产品咨询?

(A) :别担心,让我们解释一下。测试步行可以在20秒内证明产品质量,产品销售价格可以满足各级用户的需求,


(Q): 7 reasons to choose Power insoles?

 Under normal circumstances, there are 7 things that users need to worry about!

 Product quality? Product price? Is the product safe? Product hygiene? Product support? What kind of users is the product suitable for? Product consultation?

 (A): Don't worry, let us explain. The test walk can prove the quality of the product within 20 seconds, and the sales price of the product can meet the needs of users at all levels.

 The product is safe and easy to use. Product hygiene is the first, and it is recommended to replace it within 3 months. The support team is always ready to provide services to users. The product is suitable for all types of users, free consultation for users.


东南亚的经销商 : 建成国际公司.

Lafit International Corporation.


Email address:



Thank you

LaFit Touchless Shampoo. 洗车液 (不需要擦)

  COMING SOON ON APRIL 2023!! LaFit Touchless Shampoo (LTS) ***CUCI KERETA TANPA GOSOK*** ✓ Food Grade ✓ Non-Toxic ✓ Anti-Virus ✓ Anti-Covid...